
Nanking Nanking-- film review

"Nanking! Nanking! "It's like an essay, not a novel.If so than literature,in the traditional sense, the film should be like a novel.
"Nanking! Nanking! "Without a strong dramatic story, the whole film looks fragmented.Directed by Lu Chuan trying to use the three films series.
First, the perspective of the aggressor, the spokesman for the specific Kadokawa who is Japanese soldiers.From the movie starts, Kadokawa will lead the audience from the internal observation of the Japanese army occupied Nanjing, record the Nanjing catastrophe.
Second, the perspective of being the aggressor, the mission falls on the Secretary of the Chinese Tang.
The third is a neutral perspective Rabe, Rabe diary carrier.
Luchuan obviously very highly regarded works of Spielberg's "Schindler's List."Westerners can accept closing the tombstone and cross.However, traditional Chinese people is the only "bright" and "hope"


The curious case of Benjamin Button review

I saw The curious case of Benjamin Button, written the film review.

Benjamin Button has just read the formal sense like Big Fish by Tim Burton, but not the same. Big Fish is a uplifting film, but Benjamin is sad people.

At the beginning of the film use a story of the blind watchmaker to build a people do not want to see the state of affairs. Everyone is moving toward an unknown world, and you do not know what will happen next, but inevitable the unknown future hidden the pain. Just like the watchmaker, his son alive and kicking to get the train go away, but only a few years after the death of paper informed his son flew back. Watchmaker thus become cynical, come forward to take an anti-bell hanging on the station, as the world’s ridicule and resistance. These are also including a common aspiration of all the hope that life can be reversed unknown, the human world can be a bit less pain.

The story behind has become of the struggle against for this helpless situation. Benjamin’s birth is an imaginary by the common aspiration. When he was born look like an old man just quick dead, but with the passage of time get younger and younger, the longer the spirit. When people are looking forward to tomorrow, he goes against the living from the unknown to know. He was born with older people live together, accustomed to less the close to people, this is also allows his immune greatest pain in life. The whole story from the point of view, Benjamin’s life like the majority of ordinary people, the changes did not happen too much, he knows what his future. Because the different life, Benjamin had to at the age when great and beloved woman to come together. Because of his special physiological conditions, Benjamin could not be a qualified father and his wife with child-rearing. He can get along with people the same age only a few years. He saw his own daughter’s look with his daughter has the same age. His life is lonely. He would not have the suffering of ordinary people, but his pain is more alternative, only because his life is not reversed reversible.


Kung Fu Panda--film review

As a cartoon, especially the animated animal characters, this film than "The Lion King," "Finding Nemo" and other old films lack innocence.Determined that the story of a beautiful picture there are no more happy, very adult-oriented images with large European and American style of voice, to make people think too much martial arts too.The whole screen to show that there is only one piece was still warm, that is, to a child master the "Taro" , it is just lovely, gentle as a kitten, as the leopard, the laughter and touchingpeople feel happy.Whole style of the film closer to the masculine, not suitable for children and women to see.
Be happy the film is that it demonstrates the expression and the yearning for equality and freedom.Tiger, snake, crane or even with the door became senior mantis; turtle has become a master emperor; Panda became NO1.Status, ability to decide the fate of the success or failure is not necessarily possible, it seemed to give us some balance between the little and big shot does not lie in God's arrangement, and to care about the good fortune and hard work the day after tomorrow.


Cars--film review

"Cars" the release and found that the film has far too many of the United States we are familiar with the common elements of the film.Cars protagonist is of course the car."Cars "has been completely abandoned the real world, the film is the role of all motor vehicles, motor vehicles are not even fly.like the human beings they will fall in love, will be old, will die ... ...
The film seems very simple story, a conceit of the car because of an accident, lost in a small town,Finally, in this small town "people" with the help of a correction of the shortcomings,A small town and has been the guidance of an expert, and finally to success.
Car as the United States, one of the most popular mode of transport is undoubtedly in the United States has a vital role in society.The film took place in a variety of issues - such as the construction of the highway - the impact of the automobile, that is, in essence, affect the lives of Americans.Pixar use car to the interpretation of the story between an American style painting, indeed creatively.Video by car to the world to show the beautiful side of the United States, though still wearing a taste of preaching, but more people happy.Although the film does not an American, but it is a can be seen on an American film.


Ratatouille--film review

Even the insignificant little longer, but also the power of dreams, even if he was just living in a gutter in the rat does.Not everyone can become artists, but artists from every place.
An ordinary mice has become an authority on food is incredible,But the film is indeed absurd that the reasonable facts, it is true.It was a little of the process of chasing a dream, that is the way Everyone can cook guidelines.
In fact, family is the film's make a big thing.When Remy family reunification when the mouse is actually alluding to the true reality at home will be his permanent home,Whether done or not done in his capacity as an urgent need of help, and his family will always stand together.
The world is always unkind to new talent, new creations, the new needs friends. He successfully crossed the heart of the new things for the exclusion, in turn changed the very inclusive, which is really touched his heart dish, but also from changes in the his life.Life is unpredictable, the only thing predictable about life is the unpredictability.Recognition of the fate of impermanence, but the heart but very persistent.In this way a small mouse to subvert the common sense, it is so self-realization, but also give us all a world of tender.


Wall.E--film review

A garbage of earth, that is"Wall.E" the background of the film.The old robot, and its name is Wall E,he's work is clearing rubbish on the earth, it's only friend is a cockroach Xiaoqiang, from the garbage heap turned out.However, such a film it is boring is not monotonous, but people's eyes stare at it closely.Lonely, Oh the word to describe well the existence of Wall E.Mankind has grown tired of the Earth, similar Wall E also a result of lack of maintenance and repair of mechanized and became a garbage piles.This reminds me of the Will. Smith movie "I am Legend".When only one face of the earth and human beings when his dog, Will. Smith endured a similarly deep-seated loneliness.
"Wall E" and "I am Legend" on the end of the world the same kind of lonely planet, but there is a very different.Smith is behind the fear of loneliness, and loneliness wall E of power behind it is a kind of looking forward to.
What is most touching is that although it is only a robot, or more precisely, it is an intelligent robot. but it is full of curiosity and an optimistic attitude, it has not been lonely down.Work it out every day, sorting rubbish, it always received the attention it is intended that a number of fun things, and then these things will be brought back to his home.It is precisely these things in its life alone, for it brings happiness bit by bit.
Of course, many people think that between Wall E and Eva seems to have been a robot love story, in fact, romance or friendship in the end is not so important.Wall E is important in several hundred years of loneliness, it learned to adhere to and waiting in solitude behind, it has been the heart is full of looking forward to the future.


The Lion King--film review

"The Lion King "is Disney's 32 animated film , in June 16, 1994 for first public exhibition, has won worldwide attention and favor, has been the history of free trade before the success and glory.In a very long time, it is the only access to the history of film box office top 10 cartoon films, Disney has become the most successful in the history of animated films.
"Lion King" is the Disney record for 4 years from the shock blockbuster is going to explore a life of love, responsibility and learning in a warm work.Its music was filled with a thick film of the world's musical styles, successfully created a film in Africa Callray muddy earth natural momentum of life.Entered the "Lion King", it showed us a magnificent new-born world, and let us experience the life of love and adventure moving."Lion King" to brilliant colors, beautiful music, the form of exaggeration, humor, wit and humanity of the language of action,the story of countless different countries have won the love of children.The grand epic movie scenes and meaningful interpretation of human life and death and reincarnation caused by adults, such as transmission of the ultimate wisdom of the philosophy of thinking the problem.


Finding Nemo-- film review

Deep ocean, the sea anemones like orange-red flowers in full bloom Harbor, blue underwater travel to distant past is gorgeous color, beautiful unusual marine life.A crimson Clown fish with white stripes and blue marlin Blue Tang Rui across thousands of miles more than the waters to search for Marlin lost son Nemo.
"Finding Nemo" in the subject is a love and friendship, courage and growth, the story of freedom and choice.Structure is commonly used in two parallel ways:one is his father Marin to find Nemo, another on is Nemo growth.The backbone of the actual film is a story between father and son, of which there is no real hero, father and son against each other in their thoughts and gradually find love over fear and cowardice."Finding Nemo" is worth a second look at the film, especially the search for the father and son moving experience,He and his girlfriend was a real adventure and I experienced the great love.


GAKE NO UE NO PONYO -- Miyazaki film world

"Gake no ue no Ponyo" is a film for children to see.
After reading the "Gake no ue no Ponyo," a relief to be able to consider how to assess the film.Because it is constantly warm, touching you, even the most simple, most familiar.
Hayao Miyazaki never stopped to examine the destruction of human desire, greed, indifference, or even aspire to create a better and his works can not be untied or sorrow,But this time, Hayao Miyazaki put all the anger and confusion, only with love and responsibility.
"Gake no ue no Ponyo" is a film for children to see, so there is no need to talk about it too much of human nature.And even adults, in the films can alsoback on childhood memories.
Film, whether it is a symbol of nature, or is it real sense of the mother, the role of women is responsible for transmission of a positive emotional information, and role of the father not to please.Were often referred to the sea from his father, his son just lights playing language to communicate;Ponyo's father, in order to protect human injury she would not be imprisoned with her, do not know if it is a self-review of Hayao Miyazaki


Castle In The Sky--Miyazaki film world

"Castle in the Sky" Let me really appreciate the charm of the film music, take me deeper into the world of animated films.
Far more than music, animation, character design scene is more fluid narrative style. there are two of the lovely braided mother-in-law, the pirates to see the little girl will be shy, of course, our lovely heroine hida and paso ... ...People always amiable lovely mother-in-law and cute love Choi was portrayed as a kind of nature what it is pleased to accept.
In Miyazaki animation, the sophisticated appearance of people to hang around, but the connotation of a more profound reflection caused by people.Lightning through the corridors, like Prada calm center of the hurricane zone and the inviolability of even more quiet.


Howl's Moving Castle--Miyazaki film world

Hayao Miyazaki use of "hope to survive, moving love" to describe "Howl's Moving Castle", showing expectations of a modern society can not be achieved, "the war of love opera."Movie script adapted from the British science fiction novelist Diana Wynne Jones novel of the same name ,to the late 19th century to early 20th century against the backdrop of Europe ,around the protagonist Sophie by the curse, from the 18-year-old girl into the creative 90-year-old Granny start.Hayao Miyazaki's imagination by virtue of talent, creating a magic castle fly.

"Howl's Moving Castle" Hayao Miyazaki continues the style of the past, will rise to the humanities Animation height, imagine the magic of the screen into a beautiful film, Superman imagination to bring another fantasy feast.

For human nature, and Hayao Miyazaki all kinds of the same metaphor to express their understanding of: a magician in order to obtain magical power, the cost would be to give up their own people, the majority of this life as the reality of people have power, as in the magic of time have often very difficult for a normal person's mind to do good and evil is to judge.


Spirited Away--Miyazaki film world

"Spirited Away" is a famous Japanese animation master Hayao Miyazaki had dedicated 10 years old and about to enter the 10-year-old viewers of a film. It is modern Japanese society as a stage, on a 10-year-old girl Chihiro to save their parents, in the spirits world has experienced love, and growth, risk of self-cultivation process, has finally returned to the human world. "Spirited Away" is borrowed from the experience of the little girl Chihiro, actively explore a path of accession to the world. Chihiro from a material world fall into a completely unfamiliar to her and the gods is full of the plight of the world, "return" will be the ultimate goal of all efforts.Magic to win only one sentence - "In order to do one thing and others", indomitable Chihiro finally found the meaning of its existence, she was the subject of efforts to grow the world to realize their own doubts and look forward to.
Miyazaki is not Disney so fancy, he even out-dated, until now, he also insisted on painting by hand instead of computer graphics to accomplish their own cartoon. But he knows a cartoon or a movie, what to touch other people, and this is the humanities. Therefore, the image described by Hayao Miyazaki is a personal, rather than a cartoon is not perceived.


MUSIC--Lene Marlin

Lene Marlin from Norway, a girl singer.
Tilt of the Arctic Circle pale sunlight, diffuse light over the valley needy, the cold dense evergreen jungle ... ... Norway, the country so far away, far away to your mind Only in this way and some fuzzy picture , but not on any of its imagine the details. However, when the voice of Lene Marlin oceans thousands of miles over ear when we passed, everything has been relieved
But the original, which all the world's youth are the same, the same joy, the same lonely, the same faces, the same loss, also have their own future in mind ... ... if it is far away in the End of the World Norway.
And the voice of Lene Marlin expressed for all young children's thinking.
In 1998, Lene record the first single "Unforgivable Sinner" issued in Norway. A result, eight weeks for this single, ranked list of the top.
First album "Playing My Game"
Second album "Another Day"
The third album "Lost In A Moment"
The fourth album, "Twist The Truth"



"Wild China" is jointly produced by the British and China a group shot on China's wildlife and natural beauty of the series of documentaries, some of which are wildlife and landscape scenes never seen on screen.
This series will become a Sino-British joint television production of a landmark, title for the "Wild China" in Beijing released a ceremony, the audience had the honor of this will become a classic documentary of the vote in order to glimpse .
"Wild China" by the world-renowned BBC Natural History of the United Kingdom and China Central Television production team for film and television production major - in the visual media - to produce. The film is also the BBC and Chinese television's first co-operation.
"Wild China "all the way to high-definition filming, the audience will stay colorful scenery in China, including the Han palace, Mongolian and Uygur desert steppe, the Silk Road, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Video also includes the rare giant pandas and a rare fish-eating bats endemic to China's record of precious life.
第一集 龙之心 Heart of the Dragon
第二集 香格里拉 Shangri-La
第三集 西藏 Tibet
第四集 万里长城的塞外风光 Beyond the Great Wall
第五集 熊猫之地 Land of the Panda
第六集 潮汐更迭 Tides of Change


Ansel Adams photos

In the master photographer, my favorite is Ansel Adams.
I like nature, like nature's beauty without cut and polish, like the natural look of the spirit of nature.
Adams, 60 years in the photographic creative activities, has been well-known Universal landscape photography.His works can be used to describe a word, it is purely.Increase in a natural picture, a tree of a wood, one stone mountain, seems to be full of spirituality, I was shocked and conquer again and again.Good works is not only the beauty of the screen, but also be able to touch people's hearts. In appreciation of his works, as if everything is static, only you and nature in the heart beating in the match.
Adams is also a photographic works and photographic home educators, from 1960 until 1979, two decades, has published 15 books. In 1943 he entered the New York Museum of Art, he was appointed director of photography. In 1946 returned to his hometown of San Francisco, a professor at the State Academy of Fine Arts in photography. Adams to the 80-year-old is still relentless and creative writing. In February 1984, the elderly photographer, passed away.


4 years old

I was saw a video. 4 years old girl to join in a sing show.


I like this girl. I remeber one sentence,"I love you, not because of who are you,but because who I am when I stay with you. " The little girl bring so many touched to me. From her sing song, I can found the innocence I was lost.

Also, the jury gave me a lot of shock. The lady said "good girl", that was a compliment from sincere. when in Chinese, I don't know can I hear that. May be this is main reason to touch me. Acturally, I just hope Chinese jury can accessible, or to encourage and protection of players,not just critical illnesses.