Even the insignificant little longer, but also the power of dreams, even if he was just living in a gutter in the rat does.Not everyone can become artists, but artists from every place.
An ordinary mice has become an authority on food is incredible,But the film is indeed absurd that the reasonable facts, it is true.It was a little of the process of chasing a dream, that is the way Everyone can cook guidelines.
In fact, family is the film's make a big thing.When Remy family reunification when the mouse is actually alluding to the true reality at home will be his permanent home,Whether done or not done in his capacity as an urgent need of help, and his family will always stand together.
The world is always unkind to new talent, new creations, the new needs friends. He successfully crossed the heart of the new things for the exclusion, in turn changed the very inclusive, which is really touched his heart dish, but also from changes in the his life.Life is unpredictable, the only thing predictable about life is the unpredictability.Recognition of the fate of impermanence, but the heart but very persistent.In this way a small mouse to subvert the common sense, it is so self-realization, but also give us all a world of tender.