"Spirited Away" is a famous Japanese animation master Hayao Miyazaki had dedicated 10 years old and about to enter the 10-year-old viewers of a film. It is modern Japanese society as a stage, on a 10-year-old girl Chihiro to save their parents, in the spirits world has experienced love, and growth, risk of self-cultivation process, has finally returned to the human world. "Spirited Away" is borrowed from the experience of the little girl Chihiro, actively explore a path of accession to the world. Chihiro from a material world fall into a completely unfamiliar to her and the gods is full of the plight of the world, "return" will be the ultimate goal of all efforts.Magic to win only one sentence - "In order to do one thing and others", indomitable Chihiro finally found the meaning of its existence, she was the subject of efforts to grow the world to realize their own doubts and look forward to.
Miyazaki is not Disney so fancy, he even out-dated, until now, he also insisted on painting by hand instead of computer graphics to accomplish their own cartoon. But he knows a cartoon or a movie, what to touch other people, and this is the humanities. Therefore, the image described by Hayao Miyazaki is a personal, rather than a cartoon is not perceived.